P&Q Profile: McLanahan Corp.’s Mark Krause

By |  February 16, 2022
Mark Krause


With that said, we will see plants up and running by AGG1 this year – and that will allow producers to come to the show.

Anything else you’d like to share? Any trends you’re seeing develop at the moment?

Workforce development is one. We had voids in our shop, but people have come back – and they want to learn. That trend in our industry will continue.

I think there was worry about who was going to drive the ready-mix truck. I’m going to guess that’s getting easier, but I think we’ll continue to talk about it – and that will continue to be a concern.

On the other side of it: Where do sensors, automation and predictability fit into the equation? In all of the industries we serve, we’re being asked about this all the time: ‘What can you put on a machine that will tell me something ahead of time? I need to know when I need to do maintenance or when something is going wrong.’

There used to be people walking a plant every day to see when things are going bad. Now, we literally have people call who want to run a plant from their phone. We’ll see where 5G takes us.

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